Starlight 2019 Fundraising Event
A rustic Italian buffet and spirited live auction kicked off the 2019 Starlight fundraiser that brought HNMCS staff, families and friends together for a night of fun, music and entertainment at the Crooked Cue in Etobicoke.

The annual event is an opportunity for our community to connect with each other and to raise money for the programmes that support HNMCS girls. Competitive bidding mounted for incredible auction packages including flights, accommodation, spa passes, jewellery, movies and restaurant food experiences. Attendees also had access to pool table and other games, and entertaining music for an enjoyable social evening. We graciously thank all of you who supported this year’s event and made it a huge success.

Special thanks to Committee Chair Ms. Coleman and the team of parent volunteers for countless hours of planning and preparation to make it all happen.