Principal for the Day 2019
Holding the honour of Principal for the Day is a role involving great responsibility. Both Julia Arturi and Sofia Raco did not disappoint their peers as they confidently led fun filled activities.
Before the day at the helm of HNMCS, Julia and Sofia worked with Head of School, Marilena Tesoro and the Student Government Executive to plan special student life activities for their individual leadership days. They built excitement and created suspense during morning announcements leading up to their big days.
Both began by implementing a uniform change: Julia declaring a Dress Down Day and Sofia implementing an HNMCS Spirit Day! For Sophia’s Day the girls were decked out colourfully with their Spirit attire while Julia hosted a day that enabled each girl’s personality shine out. The girls created a break from academics and went for fun and engaging outdoor fun games. While Sophia treated everyone to sweet treats from an ice cream truck ordered by the Principal for the Day herself, Julia cooled everyone down with a frozen treat and topped everything off with a surprise gift draw.
Julia Arturi and Sofia Raco were shining leaders as Principals for the Day! Their outstanding efforts created memorable experiences that all students thoroughly appreciated and enjoyed!