Prom and Graduations 2018

The StargazerNews

Graduation is an important milestone and motivator for students. It is a time to celebrate accomplishments as they prepare for new challenges and opportunities.

Alumnae Sabina Galle and Kate Walker

The StargazerNews

Sabina Galle ’17Everyone always talks about how overwhelming the start of university can be however it’s a statement I most definitely underestimated as I embarked on my first year at University of Toronto, Rotman Commerce. …

Innovation Time 2018

The StargazerNews

Innovation comes in all shapes and sizes, the one constant: all innovation starts with a new, creative way of looking at a challenge that results in a better solution. Take a look at some of the innovations our students developed this school year.

Welcome Day 2018

The StargazerNews

New HNMCS Students are Welcomed to their “Second Home”With perfect summer weather to set the stage, the HNMCS community gathered on Thursday, June 14 to welcome its newest students and provide a dynamic preview to …

Spring Athletics Update 2018

The StargazerNews

Athletics RoundupThe importance of sports and games in school goes well beyond the well-documented benefits of physical activity. Playing sports makes you more alert and helps your brain think better, builds confidence and develops a …

International Author 2018

The StargazerNews

YRE Winning WriterCongratulations to Gabrielle Michael ’18 for winning third place in the International article category ages 15 to 18 of the Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) competition. Sponsored by Environmental Defence, YRE gives …

Platinum EcoSchool 2018

The StargazerNews

On Wednesday, May 2, 2018, Ontario EcoSchool inspectors and trainees dropped by at HNMCS for a school site visit. Ontario EcoSchools is a voluntary certification program that recognizes and celebrates Ontario schools for their environmental learning and action.

Spring Athletics 2018

The StargazerNews

SoccerIt doesn’t get much better than this. The HNMCS varsity soccer team is off to a great start winning its first three league games handily, beating John Fraser 5 to 0, Woodlands Secondary School 6 …

Elite Artists Programme 2018

The StargazerNews

HNMCS is thrilled to support Pilar’s passion. Our Elite Athlete & Artist programme is designed to ensure artists such as Pilar can succeed both academically and in their artistic endeavours.

Arts Showcase 2018

The StargazerNews

Special Thanks to Arts Prefect Julia Di Luca and Ms. Anne Morrone for putting together a spectacular evening of Arts highlights!