What an incredible month we have had at HNMCS!
The spring is such an opportunity for growth and renewal. The grade 9s and 10s went off to a wet and wonderful NYC trip, the grade 7s and 8s to a sunny and warm Boston (sorry grade 9s and 10s!), the grade 5s and 6s headed off to Teen Ranch, and the DI team returned from Kansas City where global finals were hosted. The grade 9s, 11s and 12s all attended their religious retreats and athletes were invited to join together for their athletic banquet. Golf, soccer, and track and field all participated in many tournaments and championships. The Spring Café rehearsals are well underway - When You Wish Upon a Star - and we hope to see you here at 1 pm on June 1st. It has been a real opportunity to explore the world, Disney through the arts and many wonderful experiences in and outside of the classroom.
As June 4th quickly approaches and the Mother Daughter brunch is almost here, we have an incredibly dedicated crew working on bringing this event to life. June is filled with events for our whole community, and with special note to the classes of 2027 and 2023 - we cannot wait to celebrate with you! Graduation and prom will be incredibly special, filled with mixed emotions and the stepping up ceremony for the current grade 8s is a wonderful way to celebrate the achievements of middle school as they look ahead. Congratulations to the class of 2023 - you are almost there and what an incredible milestone!
I know we are looking forward to seeing many parents over the next few weeks so thank you for your help and dedication to the girls and the school - we are not HNMCS without all of you!
Carrie Hughes-Grant

Carrie Hughes-Grant
Head of School
Welcome to the Head of School blog - enCOURAGE. The name comes from the core values and our vision statement that aspire to support our girls to stand up for their convictions. By examining four themes - faith, teachers, the head of school position, and our girls, enCOURAGE communicates how we at HNMCS help our girls live our values.