Spectacular Speeches from Middle School Students
In late January, we began our annual Middle School Speech Competition. Each student in Grade 7 and 8 wrote and delivered a speech to their class. Our students chose their own topics, something that interested them, something that bothered them or something they wanted to speak about. Some chose personal stories, some researched topics such as the influence of social media and women’s rights. All of our Middle School teachers were impressed with the depth of the content in the speeches and the poise of our students.
On February 8, three of our Grade 7 students and three of our Grade 8 students competed on the stage for the honour of being the overall winner in her grade. From Grade 7, we had the pleasure of listening to Maya Baillie tell us about her Almond Mom, Olivia van Eyk shared her journey with a family member who demonstrated the importance of faith and remaining positive in the face of adversity and Angelia Perri let us in on the importance of being, and ways to be, happy. Our Grade 8 students, Giewel Njehia, Nina Punambolam, and Angelene George told us about societal influences on women’s body image, children’s mental health supports in Canada and women’s empowerment, respectively.
Our judges, Ms. Mastromattei, Ms. Anderson, Ms. Makari and Mr. Baker had a very difficult time as all of our contestants did such a great job! We thank them for their hard work. We are very proud of Angelia Perri and Giewel Njehia who will go on to represent Holy Name at the CIS Speech Competition held at Sterling Hall School in April. Congratulations ladies!
- Ms. Kristin Prillo, Middle School Coordinator