Living Lent at HNMCS

The StargazerNews

Living Lent at HNMCS

The cold weather and dark days continue, but there is hope on the horizon. We are warmed by the shining sun at midday. We leave school and work and there is more and more light. Cool, fresh air abounds. We know that new life is on its way.

But first, let us be in this present moment. Let us not wish away the cold darkness, but wonder instead, how can it teach us? Let us embrace this in-between season, that in the Christian tradition, we call Lent. A time to enter more deeply into the rhythm of our lives and ask: God, how am I doing? Lord, where are you calling me in this season? Spirit, what should I take up and what should I put down?

At HNMCS, we hope to live Lent this year by valuing these kinds of prayerful questions. Beginning with our Ash Wednesday service, our community gathered to receive ashes which symbolize our need for transformation. This week, we will have a formation session in the chapel where we will explore the Lenten image of the desert and its call to be still and explore these questions with God as our guide. Next week, all students will have the opportunity to participate in the sacrament of reconciliation, reconnecting us with our Source. As Lent nears its end, we will gather to observe the story of Jesus’ journey to the cross and his perfect and saving act of laying down his life for us, his friends.

May this Lent be a holy one for each of us. Just as you are, may you enter into the darkness, sit with your heart, ask the questions, and at the end of these forty days, experience the newness and possibility of the resurrection.

- Mr. Matthew Snowdon, Associate Director of Mission Integration
