Lent: A Season of Renewal
Lent is a time to open our hearts and contemplate what Jesus really did for all of us when he died on the Cross. The 40 days of Lent leading up to Holy week, are a time of renewal and for reconciliation with God and others, as we prepare our hearts and minds to truly recognize this ultimate sacrifice of love through abstinence, charitable work, and prayer.

Prior to Lent beginning, the Christian tradition of celebrating Shrove Tuesday with pancakes was embraced by HNMCS. The HNMCS community had the opportunity to enjoy a delicious pancake breakfast hosted by Student Government. The following day HNMCS gathered for Ash Wednesday through a liturgical celebration led by Fr. Kevin Story. Ashes were distributed by Fr. Kevin and the Felician Sisters to help remind us to turn away from sin and instead turn our gaze to Jesus. In the spirit of observing abstinence during lent, the Outreach team handed out suggestions for lenten promises to HNMCS girls to help kick-start their lenten journey.
HNMCS also embraced charity work for Lent by collecting socks for the homeless in Toronto through the organization Socks 4 Souls. In addition, a fundraiser was organized to raise funds for the St. Felix Centre - The Coldest Night of the Year campaign. HNMCS focused on prayer, by spending time every morning reflecting on a lenten devotion meant to draw awareness of Christ’s sacrifice for the sake of our salvation. All throughout lent, staff and students are also invited weekly to pray the Way of the Cross in order to prepare for Holy Week.