Galentine's & Social Justice Week
The annual HNMCS GALentine’s Day was held on February 14, celebrating all the wonderful GALs (and PALs) in our life!
Wearing red and pink, students shared the love with class parties, and were able to indulge in a sweet treat, courtesy of the Social Justice League’s lunch Bake Sale, in support of ShareLife.
During Chapel, students complemented their classmates in an activity designed to highlight their positive attributes and self confidence. They also participated in a “Race of Justice”, a scavenger hunt activity that helped them learn more about the Social Justice topics the Outreach team focused on this year.

Social Justice Week
February 11 to 14 was Social Justice Week at HNMCS. It was a week dedicated to addressing pressing social/human rights issues.
Monday’s theme was Female Empowerment. During lunch, students spent time writing affirmations for their peers in the form of Valentines. On Tuesday, the focus was mental health and Wednesday we turned to the concept of inclusivity. Students had the opportunity to participate in a Social Justice Fair where a number of non-profit organizations, such as Sharelife and St. Felix Centre, promoted their mission and core values. Students travelled around the room with a passport, gaining house points for each visit.

On Valentine’s Day, the Athletic Council led a school wide Skip-a-thon, where students participated in a skip-until-you-can’t contest, to earn points for their houses.
Later, students worked in teams of three to complete skipping trick challenges where they earned prizes if they were able to complete tricks such as double unders, push up jumps and more.
The Skip-a-thon helped promote heart health awareness and the importance of an active lifestyle. At the end of the session, some student groups performed routines they have been practicing as members of the HNMCS Skipping Team.
Girl Empowered
Alexa Lanni '24 trains at Canadian Ice Academy under head coach Jenny Wyant and coach Kim Deguise-Léveillée, a 2014 Canadian junior title winner. She began skating at the age of 4 and started figure-skating training at the young age of 5 mastering the complex movements with balance and coordination.
While training this past fall, Alexa suffered a knee injury followed by a serious fall on the ice which caused a head concussion while she was attempting to learn the single axel. In figure skating, the Single Axel is a difficult move to perform due to an extra half rotation. This jump is an important highlight that figure skaters strive for and the struggle to achieve it provides confidence and long lasting memories.

However this past fall, the fear of a potential re-injury posed many challenges for Alexa, and it was difficult for her to get back on the ice after the trauma. Despite the setback, Alexa persevered and was determined to face the worries and doubts that permeated her. She knew she had to address her uncertainties and she worked hard to overcome her doubts. Finally through prayers and lots of encouragement, Alexa not only persevered through it successfully landing her first single Axel but she has propelled forward to working on her doubles.
We extend huge Congratulations to Alexa on her milestone accomplishment and we are so proud of her determination and resiliency in not giving up. We are excited for the immense possibilities that lie ahead for Alexa.