Year End Mass & Awards Celebration
One of the marvelous things about being a part of a small school is the ability for everyone to gather together to celebrate a wonderful year. On Friday May 24, HNMCS staff and students did just that to celebrate the achievements of the 2018-2019 school year.

Students from Grades 5 to 12 were recognized for outstanding achievement in both academic and co-curricular activities. We had a very good year! Students took advantage of the many personal and team opportunities available at HNMCS, including drama, DECA, science clubs and teams, math and science design competitions, French contests, Destination Imagination, leadership athletics, and the Duke of Edinburgh awards, to name a few.
Each and every student at HNMCS has a lot to be proud of as everyone set goals, overcame challenges and grew both personally and academically.

As has become HNMCS tradition, the outgoing student government passed on prefect pins to the newly elected student council for 2019-2020. They also shared their advice and memories with the student body. Thank you girls for your leadership, organization and FUN this year!
The year-end celebration was also a great way to recognize the class of 2019. This group of students has made many memorable contributions to the school. They leave behind a little piece of themselves at HNMCS, and we look forward to having them now join our alumnae who stay connected to the school for years to come.

Special thanks to Father Roger for presiding at the Year End Mass and for guiding our community in spiritual growth throughout the year.
At the completion of the Mass, we honoured our outgoing Head of School, Marilena Tesoro. Marilena’s leadership for the past eight years has provided guidance and innovation to set the school up for continued success. The best interest of the school was always at the forefront of her decision making and she also found time to share a laugh or a story with the girls, parents and staff. Congratulations Mrs. Tesoro on your retirement. We are going to miss you at HNMCS but we know that you will forever be in our hearts and we hope you will stay connected.