Moving the Rock
With the current Covid-19 situation creating a precarious start to the school year in many jurisdictions, I thought I would begin by showing how faith helped us at HNMCS have a successful start to our school year, so that our girls are already receiving a top quality education experience, in a safe environment that adheres to the protocols put in place by Health Canada, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education.
What is the rock? Although a rock can carry many forms, connotations, metaphors and challenges, you will see over the next month many different types of rocks. We are examining any barriers, and the removal thereof, to growth and learning in an educational faith based setting.

Moving the Rock:
Once a young boy was trying to smooth out the dirt area behind his house so he could play there with his toy cars. There was a large rock blocking his work. The boy pushed and pulled with all his might. But no matter how hard he tried, the rock wouldn’t budge. His father watched for a while. Then he came to his son and said, “You need to use all your strength to move a rock this large.”
The boy answered, “I have used all my strength!” His father corrected him: “No, you haven’t. You haven’t had my help yet!” They then bent down together and moved the rock easily.
The Lord wants us to rely on Him in solving our problems. Then we can feel His love more constantly, more powerfully, more clearly, and more personally. (Adapted from “Drawing Closer to God,” Ensign, Nov. 2013, 105.)
We are here. Helping each other move the rock. Our girls are learning; as we have already started together. As noted in our vision statement: Building a Connected Community dedicated to developing Curious, Courageous and Compassionate young women, we see the connected community in this story as a plan for how we can move forward together: Proud life-time membership in a supportive and diverse community rooted in faith. Strong connections (with teachers, administrators and the community as a whole) that help to guide students and alumnae through life’s transitions.