An Update from the Eco Club
For the past few months the Eco Team has been busy bringing various initiatives into action. We kicked off the school year with welcoming new Eco Team members, electing the Eco Executive Team, and planting our Eco Wall. On September 27th, HNMCS took part in the Global Climate Action Protest during Chapel Period. The girls made posters and walked around the school to voice their concerns.

In October we took part in Take Me Outside Day 2019, prepared a Halloween Eco Kahoot Activity, and we welcomed back Ms. Andrea Rowe from the Halton Environmental network to help us mulch, garden and winterize our native species garden. We placed stakes around the boundary and set up a fun pathway to the Eco Classroom. On October 21st, we extended an invitation to the Film Club to join us for an exciting workshop presented by the Indigenous Environmental Justice Project Team at York University came into the school as part of their high school outreach program. With students, they discussed how Indigenous storytelling can point to justice and environmental issues and how Indigenous and non-Indigenous people can move toward reconciliation through storytelling. They read their traditional creation story about the forming of Turtle Island. The girls made connections to their Catholic creation beliefs and discussed the importance of being stewards to our Earth. The girls then rotated around the room and wrote their thoughts about Climate Change, Justice, Sustainability, and Water. We then had discussions about the thoughts the girls had on these topics.
November was filled with planning, making posters and spreading the word about our various initiatives which included a GOOS (Good on one side) paper campaign, the Energy Hog and the Bag2School campaign where we collected 160Kg of textiles.
December was very exciting! The girls had a blast learning how to make natural bath salts. A big thank you goes out to Ms. Banovic, the PA Eco Rep, for helping conduct this workshop for our club. In addition, the girls made necklaces out of used crayons. The results were one of a kind and these were sold as part of the Eco Fundraiser during the Christmas Concert. Thank you to all who contributed.

Looking Ahead
Our Battery Drive is on until mid May so please save your batteries. Plus, we have another Bag2School campaign is booked for the month of April so save your used clothing, shoes, etc...So many events are being planned for the coming months!