Our Alumnae
Over the last few years, HNMCS has adopted an innovative project-based interdisciplinary learning approach to better prepare students for the 21st century landscape. It’s working. Our entire 2022 graduating class were Ontario Scholars, all earned university acceptance across Canada and the U.S., and collectively, they received over $1.1mil in scholarship offers. At a time when few girls choose to enter the in-demand fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, 54% of these graduates are pursuing STEM programmes in university.
Acadia University
Boston University
Brock University
Carleton University
Concordia University
Dalhousie University
Fudan University, Shanghai
Graceland University
Imperial College London
Laurentian University
McGill University
McMaster University
New York University
Northeastern U, Boston
Ontario College of Art and Design
Penn State University
Queen's University
Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland
Savannah College of Art and Design
Savannah State University
Smith College, Massachusetts
St. Francis Xavier University
Toronto Metropolitan University (formally Ryerson)
University of British Columbia
University College London
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, San Diego
University of Central Florida
University of Galway, Ireland
University of Guelph
University of Michigan
University of Ottawa
University of San Francisco
University of South Carolina
University of Southern California
University of Toronto
University of Waterloo
University of Windsor
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of York, England
Virginia Tech University
Western University
Wilfrid Laurier University
York University
Arts & Humanities
Biological Sciences
Biomedical Engineering
Chartered Professional Accounting
Chemical Engineering
Cognitive Science
Commerce, Business Administration
Communication Studies
Computer Science
Concurrent Education
Environmental Design
Film & Media
Financial Analysis & Risk Management
Genetics & Molecular Biology
Law, Criminal Justice
Management & Organizational Studies
Medicinal Chemistry
Physical & Math Sciences
Sciences (Medical, Life, Health)
Social Sciences
Sports Management
Studio Art
Theatre: Design & Production
Rotman School of Business (President’s Scholars of Excellence)
Chancellor Scholarship
IVEY School of Business
Schulich Leader Award Recipient
LLB, University of Sussex, UK
Loran Scholar Semi-Finalist
Alumnae Spotlight
At Holy Name of Mary College School we measure our success by the success our graduates attain both during their time at HNMCS and beyond in their post secondary academic and professional careers.
We are proud to spotlight a few of our alumnae and highlight their impressive achievements at HNMCS and beyond.

Kristin Hudon ’13
Lead several student-run groups at Queen’s University
Lead the Queen’s Commerce Corporate Competition
Director of Student Life and Leadership, Lead Ambassador at HNMCS
“Holy Name of Mary College School gave everyone boundless opportunities to pursue their interests. When you are able to do that, standing out as a leader is natural.
HNMCS also cultivated the skills to succeed beyond high school and grounded those skills with an understanding we should use our talents to give back to the bigger community.”
Aniela Opolski ’14
Plans to work as a back-end software engineer
Leveraging the high demand for the demand for skilled and qualified engineers
Inspired HNMCS students with her recent talk on STEM and technology

When Aniela was at HNMCS, interest in computer science was limited and she had to complete her computer science studies online with support from the school. Today, HNMCS offers Introduction to Computer Studies (ICS2O) in grade 10, Introduction to Computer Science (ICS3U) in grade 11 and Computer Science (ICS4U) in grade 12.

Isabella Olivares ’13
Graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering
Landed her dream job as a Jr. Engineer at Stackpole International
Duke of Edinburgh Award Recipient
“Use the many opportunities HNMCS has to offer to your advantage. This will benefit you significantly when applying to jobs.
Showing that you are able to balance your academics and an extracurricular or co-curricular will set you apart from the hundreds of other job applicants.”
What do our Alumni have to say about HNMCS?
View our Alumni Spotlight Video