Becoming Saints: A Values-Based Education
On November 21st, Holy Name of Mary College School celebrated the 150th anniversary of the Felician Sisters’ arrival in North America. Sr. Celestine, founding teacher and HNMCS Board member, gave an inspiring address to students and staff: “Our work here at HNMCS is about becoming saints. It is not enough to know math, or science, or history but rather we must also become saints, full of love of God and love of neighbour.” This framework exudes respect for human dignity, by refusing mediocrity and calling all to their highest possible good.

A proud Felician-sponsored ministry, HNMCS is on a continual journey to adopt and embody the five core values for ministry given to us by the Felician Sisters. These values, rooted in the life and teachings of Jesus and modeled in the lives of St. Francis and Blessed Mary Angela, are rich guides for all of us. When we as a community live the core values of transformation, solidarity with people in need, respect for human dignity, justice and peace, and compassion, we are able to say with confidence that we are participating in the Felician mission to cooperate with Christ in the spiritual renewal of the world.
What does this look like in and out of the classroom? Exploration of the Pope’s monthly prayer intention in flex grows awareness of issues facing the church and world and responds to these through prayer. This learning with the heart deepens compassion by contributing to an increased empathetic consciousness in our community. The Grade 9 English class is reading The Chrysalids, examining character and behaviour through a Felician lens by writing essays on how the protagonist exemplifies multiple core values. This task encourages increased core value literacy among our students, and hopefully will lead to a deeper living of them, a visible expression of transformation. To launch our Advent season this year, students participated in Giving Tuesday, and will be able to contribute throughout December to school-wide drives of food products and winter clothing. Working together for the benefit of all in our community, these experiences reinforce our call to be in solidarity with people in need each and every day.
In a world full of mixed messages and competing influences, an education rooted in Felician core values offers us a guiding star to base all our institutional decisions and educational goals on. When we are impelled by the pursuit of justice and peace, in our homes, workplaces, and school community, we will no longer sit idly by but become the change we want to see. Living these values will lead us, with God’s grace, to grow in holiness and truly become the saints we are meant to be.
- Mr. Matthew Snowdon, Director of Mission & Ministry