Destination Imagination
Destination Imagination Inc. is a leading educational nonprofit dedicated to developing project-based learning programs that blend STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education with the arts and social entrepreneurship. Each year students have the opportunity to take part in one of seven team challenges.
This year, our Middle School had two teams (the DI Dreamers and the Old Souls) compete in the Fine Arts Challenge: Change of Tune at the GTA Regional Destination Imagination meet on February 24 at St. Basil the Great College School.
The challenge had them create and present a musical that included a change in plans. This involved writing music and lyrics, creating and presenting a spectacle, designing and integrating a set change and showcasing their interests, strengths and talents. Both teams wowed the judges with DI Dreamers placing first and Old Souls second, which means they both advance to the provincial tournament on April 8, 2018.
They’re not alone. This year, HNMCS started our first Senior Level Destination Imagination Team which is taking on the Scientific Challenge: Unlikely Attraction at the provincial tournament with the hopes of advancing to the world competition at the end of May. Wishing all of our stars the best of luck at Provincials!